!Giveaway! Eco-friendly Teak Cutting Board and Professional Knife Set

Real Food Meal Plans for Busy People


• Traditional
• Whole 30
• Gluten & Dairy free
• Paleo or Primal
• Autoimmune Paleo
• Vegetarian


Welcome! I'm Jennifer, the owner & founder of Healing Redefined Holistic Wellness Center, holistic practitioner, and head nutrition nerd here at Healing Redefined.

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thymus thump IMMUNE SUPPORT

immune boosting supplements IMMUNE SUPPORT

iodine protocol THYROID SUPPORT

adrenal fatigue ADRENAL SUPPORT

healing reactions HEALING RESPONSES

Medical Disclaimer: The information contained in this blog is not intended as a substitute for medical advice. Please consult a physician in matters relating to serious illness and particularly with respect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention.

Medications – You should work closely with your physician to adjust medications as your body heals. Many of you will be able to say goodbye to “maintenance” medication forever but some will not.

278 Responses

  1. Clean drinking water is essential to good metabolism. And I mean lean from pesticides, discarded prescription drugs, fluoride, etc. If you have a system weakened by immunity problems you need clean water to help flush your body of toxins.
    Ps – great giveaway!

  2. Is there anyone who can’t use a new set of knives? I sure can. And that beautiful cutting board would be a wonderful addition to any kitchen.

    Thank you for this opportunity!

  3. Another great giveaway! I would love to have these knives in my kitchen as it would make my task of healing our family so much eas!ier. Thanks for this great opportunity! 🙂

  4. drinking clean water is the only thing I drink. it is the only thing that will rehydrate me after a work out and keep me from getting thisty again right away.

  5. One can never have too many knives, but I’ve never had a professional set of knives so this would be great. Thanks for the giveaway!

  6. Okay, on clean water. . . I am amazed that most people on city water do not taste the chemicals in it. I have mostly always had deep well water at homes we lived in, and no, I didn’t know how blessed I had been until about 15 years ago. When we moved into the home we are in now, it was on city water. Instinctively I knew that if I could smell the chlorine when I flushed the toilet, something was not right. This house was built in 1940, and the well was put in place when it was built, but abandoned when city water came to this part of the county. We decided to see how much it would cost to open the well back up. We were able to do this with no problems, and I am so thankful for this. I said all this to encourage those who can to look into digging your own well. I have a friend who recently did this on her property in a subdivision in the town where she is living. I won’t say that it was easy for her to get permission to do this, but persistence can go a long way.

    Lynn above gave all the good reasons to dig your own well or put in a good filtration system into your home. Your food will taste better and even more your tea and coffee will too, and maybe, just maybe you will drink more water. I do!

  7. I have horribly dull, cheap knives, would love to get some good knives to help my cooking feel more like fun again.

  8. I need new knives bc my handles are starting to crack for some reason and I need something that can cut a winter squash

  9. I am new to your blog and find it a great source for information. One of my favorite foods are bell peppers and with the dull knives I have they are very frustrating to slice into strips. Winning these knives would make cutting my veggies so much more enjoyable. 🙂

  10. I’m getting married next summer and while my fiance and I both have knife sets to contribute, neither of them are great quality. We don’t even have a chef’s knife between us! We also need a good cutting board, but seriously, we need a good chef’s knife.

  11. Just got married and would find a good set of professional cutting knives very useful around the kitchen! Don’t really know how i’ve managed without them so far!

  12. Well, I basically have one knife which I keep sharpening all the time. It was a gift so I won’t complain, it does the job. It sure would be nice, though, to have an professional knife set like this 🙂

  13. Solid, well-made knives are an integral tool in the kitchen of the well-nourished cook. I would love to own a set of sturdy, well-balanced knives.

  14. I could use new knifes for my Sunday food prep. A good knife makes the chore of chopping faster and safer!

  15. We live on near the ocean, so nice things like kitchen knives rust all the time. It’s a constant battle keeping nice things rust free!

  16. The knives that I have were my husband’s from his bachelor days. They barely cut anything. It’s quite sad really. No one got us the knives we put on our registry years ago for our wedding. So I’m dying for some new knives. 🙂

  17. I have been searching for a good paring knife that feels comfortable in my hand and is the right size for handling the smaller jobs. Perhaps now my search is ended, I hope!

  18. I am recently engaged and this might just be the thing to add to my trousseau (not that I really have one)!

  19. I need new knives because I didn’t get the good set in the divorce and haven’t had the $$ to replace them.

  20. I need a new set of knives because the ones I have are from college (13+ years ago), and were part of a really cheap set. I have cut, nicked, and almost seriouly injured myself more times than I can count – so a new set of knives would be sooooooo awesome!

  21. Have a good sharp knife is truly one of life’s greatest pleasures. There is never enough sharp knives in our kitchen.

  22. I don’t really “need” new knives, but the idea of winning a new set is nice. And I would give my used (but still mostly sharp) usable set away on Freecycle or Craigslist.

  23. ALL MY KNIVES ARE RUSTING!! It annoys me sooo much that I bought a new set of metal knives since mum won’t let me buy any ceramic knives, and I put them in the dishwasher once and they all got rust on them!! And I’m running out of vinegar to get rid of it with 🙁

  24. I would love to win this set of knives, cooking is my passion.
    I’m already a newsletter subscriber and fan of the Facebook page (nickname “Del Phine”). 🙂

  25. My husband and I never had a wedding registry and so we’ve been using his old knives the entire time we’ve been together, which were already hand-me-downs. They’re terrible quality and don’t sharpen well but I cook everyday so I could really use some great quality (SHARP) knives!

  26. I have never owned a knife set. As a young professional living on a (tight) budget, I have learned to make do with inherited kitchenware. It would be fabulous to have my first real, essential kitchen tools on my path toward healthy and healing cooking!

  27. My knife set I’ve had forever. Its now terrible for how much I cook and bake and chop. My cutting board is soo small. I definately would love this!!

  28. I sharpen my knives so much since I started focusing on real food and homecooking, that I think I’ve worn them out!

  29. I’ve had my knives (not great to begin with for 50 years. Time for a change! I’d love to have new knives.

  30. my knives are so old and dull, new ones would be great and I would love to replace my plastic cutting board!

  31. I bought a set of what I thought would be good knives. Made from stainless surgical steel, they said. Will cut through anything, they said. They promptly lost their edge and rusted in several spots after only being used a handful of times!

  32. We have been using the same knives since before we were married. They are my husband’s set from his single days, so needless to say, they have not been properly taken care of. 🙂 The cutting board looks great as well, our old Pampered Chef one has about had it! Thanks for the giveaway 😀

  33. I could really use some new knives. After 21 years of marriage cooking for a family of 8, my knives are ready to be retired.

  34. I’m using steak knives to cut everything! I think I would buy a good knife if I could try it out first. I’m too afraid of buying one that wouldn’t work for me.

  35. I have nice knives, but they’re not GOOD knives. I’d love to have good knives. 🙂 And I really do need a new cutting board. lol

  36. I could really use a new set of knives. Mine is an old hand me down set that is missing several knives. Those that are left are starting to dull. I would love to replace my plastic cutting boards with that beautiful teak!

  37. Knives would be for the husband as a thank you for cooking up a storm in the kitchen. He loves doing it and I love him. He’s always staring dreamily at new knives since ours are all hand me downs, have split handles, and need to be sharpened.

  38. Slowly building my REAL FOOD arsenal! Great knives and a safe cutting board are both mandatory.
    Great blog!

  39. I have some that have plastic handles that have melted when they have gotten too hot. I have others with cracked handles. I’d certainly love a new set.

  40. Having a great set of knives would be wonderful! Mine are cheap and in very poor condition after so much use.

  41. My knives are old & handles are cracked! Would love new knives & cutting board! Thanks for a chance to win!

  42. My knives are old,dull & the handles are cracking! Would love to win some new knives & cutting board! Thanks for the chance to win!

  43. I’ve got 3 good knives but they are all the wrong sizes. I have a slicer and (oddly) a boning knife and a tiny paring knife. I also have bunch of junk knives, horrors.

  44. my knives are .. well .. embarrassing! a good set is definitely on my wish list! and a cutting board? well, right now it is a plate.

  45. We make everything (and I do mean pretty much everything – from condiments and broths to baked goods and rendered fats) from scratch, which means a LOT of cutting. Our old knives are in poor enough shape that I have twice had them slip on food and cut me instead. Needless to say, I’d love not to have that problem anymore!

  46. I’m not sure it’s possible to have too many good knives when you have many hands in the kitchen or many projects going on at the same time. I almost always have too much going on in the kitchen at once. And I always need a new cutting board…again with too many projects.

  47. I would love a new chef’s knife! Everything else would be wonderful too, but the chef’s knife would be pure awesomeness. I have 1 beautiful knife that I use for everything and thanks to careless roommates, it has chips so severe that when I chop garlic entire halves go uncut. I keep trying to smooth it out on my own, but seem to only be making it worse. I need to find a professional sharpener, but they seem to be hard to find here.

  48. My knives were a wedding gift, 13 years ago. Some of them have broken and they aren’t nearly as sharp as they should be!

  49. I love to cook, but my knives aren’t the greatest. I think cooking would be even better with some great knives!

  50. Mine are all rather medium quality and don’t hold an edge well …and new ones would make my kitchen chores a lot easier — and safer.

  51. All of my knives are hand-me-down! I really don’t have any good knives. I have one decent large blade I use for all of my chopping~ got it at Tuesday Morning. Good knives are so expensive. Would LOVE to win this 🙂

  52. I’d love to have professional cutting knives and a cutting board. Mine keep getting glutened by my non gluten-free husband. Thank you so much for this great giveaway!

  53. I have progressed in my efforts to eat”clean” to the point where I cook almost everything from scratch. This effort really does require good tools. Besides that, my daughter just got her first apartment and it’s time for me to hand down my old knives (they are close to her age :/ )

  54. All of my knives are from discount stores or picked up cheap at Good Will. I could definately use a set of nice knives!
    thanks for the chance!

  55. Always buying knives that I think will “do the job”, but over time am disappointed. Would like to use a “good tool” in my kitchen that would make the task easier and quicker! Thanks

  56. We have 3 bamboo cutting boards we have had for 8 1/2 years and they are staring to crack and fall apart, so would love to have this cutting board. We also are always on the look out for cool new knives.

  57. I need a new set of knives because I haven’t taken the best care of the current set that I have. They’ve developed a bit of rust from the dishwasher.

  58. I lost my good knives in the divorce…
    Happier and healthier, but miss the ease and safety of quality sharp knives. 🙂

  59. I haven’t got any wooden cutting boards, only plastic ones, and small ones at that! A large cutting board would be amazing! No sharp knives here either. Great give away!!!

  60. I could really use some new knives as mine are just random knives that I’ve gotten here and there. Most are dull and difficult to use. I could use a good cutting board too. I just have a little one.

  61. Oh, goodness! I was just telling my hubby this morning that I need a new knife, but I can’t justify the high price tag just now, even though I use my dull, dying knives so very much. This would be awesome (and that cutting board is beautiful!).

  62. Food preparation with a high quality set of knives would be way much easier than with those cheap knives I have!! So, I really need it!

  63. Would really love this cutting board & knives as ours are not great quality and I know they would make cooking much easier and more enjoyable 😀

  64. I’m am changing how I eat to a fresh green diet. I’m used to eating straight out of the frig where I am now having to stop and prepare my meals. Knifes and a cutting board would help me tremendously. Because of my eating on the run lifestyle I’m attempting to pre-prepare as many meals a possible. Thank you

  65. I love new sharp knives! Its always good to have sharp knives, a sharpening tool is too expensive for us. We also could use a new cutting board I love the wood ones!

  66. Since changing to a healthier diet I do a lot more cooking at home. I don’t have any good knives or a beautiful board like this one. Would love to win!

  67. Mine are worn down and probably unsanitary 🙁
    A new knife set has been on my wish list for some time now. I would love to win these 🙂
    Thanks for the opportunity

  68. I’ve had my knives for over 24 years and they all have been used extensively. A new set of sharp knives would be gladly welcomed into my kitchen.

  69. Our knives have seen better days. We’ve had them for years (20) and cooking for our family of 12 takes its toll on them. Would love new knives!

  70. My paring knife went missing a while ago 🙁
    and besides that these knives look awesome!
    More cooking with fresh real food means quality knives are essential!

  71. Mine were inexpensive and have been well used. Would really like an upgrade to some good quality knives and a beautiful cutting board!

  72. My knives are hand-me-downs given to me when I went away to college… almost 15 years ago. I can’t cut anything straight because all the blades are slanted. Would LOVE some new knives!

  73. Well I’m going to leave this contest to the people who need it, even though that is very very nice stuff. The stuff I have is nice enough and still good enough.

  74. I’ve been eating so much more whole foods recently, which includes lots of veggie chopping! This has alerted me to the fact that I really have horrible knives! These would be so great to use with the gorgeous Teak cutting board!

  75. I am a 40 year old mother of three and a In-home daycare provider and believe it or not I have never purchased a set of new knives and I absolutely love to cook. I have gotten every knife i own through hand me downs and they are not in the greatest of shapes.

  76. I would LOVE a new set of knives…my little one is done with baby food and we are constantly chopping up her “big people” food so she can help herself to yummy healthy food!

  77. I am cooking almost all meals at home now so I can control the ingredients and the quality. Would love these knives and the cutting board! Thanks! 🙂

  78. I desperately need a new set of knives because I have been using the same set of knives for as long as I can remember. I am tired of making-due with what I have and would love to have a set that makes me love cooking even more than I do already! The past number of years have been hard financially, so we’ve not been able to spend money on items like this. It would be quite the luxury to get these beautiful knives!

  79. I have 4 “steak” knifes that my husband had before we got together more than 6 years ago. I don’t know where they are from, he probably bought them used somewhere like all his other ‘bachelor’ possession.

  80. My kids have lost or somehow misplaced several of my good knives and I love to cook so new knives would be awesome!

  81. I need new knives because mine are super dull and need sharpening. We have tried to sharpen and hone, but they need professional help….and I am not sure that will bring them back….they weren’t that great to start with.

  82. The knives my dad gave me years ago are getting very dull. I’ve been looking into a good set, these would be a GREAT start!

  83. I just bought a (used) juicer and could use the new knives as mine are pretty old and dull (some are from my wedding 27 years ago!)

  84. I need a new set of knives because the ones I have are not quality. They work but they don’t make it easy. lol

  85. I need new knives because I despise dull ones. I grow heirloom tomatoes and when I slice them, I want the knife to glide right through them.

  86. The knives that we use are 5 1/2 years old, and are the $20 set from Walmart. High quality knives right there. 🙂 It would be AMAZING to win some great knives, and that cutting board looks perfect!

  87. I need a new set of knives because only one knife in my house actually works well for anything I try preparing!

  88. Lets see… I only have 2 plastic cutting board that I dread using and I have been using the same 2 knives for 12 yrs since I got married and they are cheap farberware and have tiny rust spots on them 🙁 trying my best to get us healthy over here and have a lifestyle change… Little by little and these would be a big step in the right direction!

  89. We have 6 major food allergies and several food intolerances in our family of four. These would be super useful as I do a lot of cooking! I love your blog!!!

  90. I cook everything from whole foods and I seriously have not ONE knife that cuts properly. I have had a knife set I got 11 years ago from an unmentionable cheap store; serrated- so I cannot sharpen them. We really want to get new knifes, but we haven’t had the money because I would like to find something that we can use for a while, not another cheap set. I am in the kitchen for a great amount of time everyday (we are gluten, dairy, soy, corn and egg free) and it is one thing that really gets to me is when I’m trying to prepare my fruits/veggies and meats. I would be ever so thrilled to win!!!

  91. Actually, I broke one of my mom’s knives cracking open a coconut…. so this would be a nice gift! Thanks for the giveaway!

  92. I am a big chopper, dicer, I don’t mind cutting up my veggies and fruits most of the time, my knives are dull and it is very frustrating sometimes when my knives doesn’t cut smoothly. I could use these knives and cutting board to add to my kitchen collection.

  93. I keep buying sets of knives, and they’re always terrible! It doesn’t matter if they’re expensive or cheap, North American or imported from Europe. I’ve been disappointed every time. I can’t chop herbs or cut up a chicken or bone a fish properly. I complain so much that I’ve been getting a set of knives every year for Christmas!

  94. Uhg, dull knives are my bane. I cut one finger 3 times within a week and now that same finger is numb. It never completely healed. Stupid knives!!

  95. I’ve never had a real set of good knives, and I do cook every day…we literally never eat out, so a real set of knives would be a great help!

  96. Would love some new knives! Especially the big chef knife as mine has the tip chipped off! Good, sharp knives make cooking soooooo much easier and quicker and SAFER!

  97. I only have a few knives, so a knife set would be great because I always find myself wanting a different type/size for particular tasks.

  98. New set of knives to make an easier transition to whole foods/meals for the family would be so nice! All the knives I have now are starting to rust 🙁

  99. Good knives are worth their weight in gold! As somebody well into their real food, healing journey, I realize the magnitude of food for chopping, cutting, and slicing. The knives can make all the difference!

  100. 3 years into our Paleo/WAPF journey for me, my husband, and 3 kiddoes and I still haven’t been able to swing getting decent knives! (due to having lost my job and not being able to fully recover the income yet) I will sheepishly admit to cutting most things with steak knives. 🙂

  101. Knives are wearing out from all the use they get now that we prepare all of our own food, and honestly can’t afford new ones right now 🙁

  102. I’ve been married for over 40 years and my knives have been around that long too 🙂 I LOVE to cook, I cook A LOT, and I would SO LOVE to have some new knives. I look at knives all the time but really don’t know what to buy, so I figure you’re bound to know the best ones and these would be just perfect for my kitchen!!

  103. THe knives look amazing. I need a good sharp set. I really really need a good cutting board though so this prize would be so great.

  104. I will begin living on my own soon, and will be starting my kitchen (and everything else) from scratch. Overwhelming! This would be a big help.

  105. It would be awesome to win these because I only have plastic cutting boards and our knives don’t work well at all. Preparing real food is so much easier with the right tools, and right now I don’t seem to have any of them!

  106. I moved out here to the East Coast with just two duffel bags, so I had to leave everything behind basically. I have nothing now, so a new set of knives would be nice for when my fiance and I finally get our own place!

  107. I moved out here to the East Coast with just two duffel bags, so I had to leave everything behind basically. I have nothing now, so a new set of knives would be nice for when my fiance and I finally get our own place!

  108. I would love to win these knives. I cannot find an affordable set of knives and I was very disappointed with a pair from a popular home show that I had ordered but I didn’t send them back because the hostess didn’t have a lot of orders so I’m searching for some

  109. I have very few good kitchen knives. The rest are dull and awful to use! Thanks for the chance to win these. I really need them!

  110. I’m 63 yrs old, have been cooking for at least 45 of those yrs, and have never had a really good knife set. I would love to win this set!

  111. I could use a good set of knives because I have never had a new set. All the ones I have are hand me downs. Nothing wrong with that, but I would love a good ~ sharp knife in the drawer.

  112. I was cutting a coconut open with my expensive knife and took a piece of metal right out of the blade!!! I was so upset! I’ll never do that again. Now my knife that I use to do all my chopping is ruined, so I could really use a new one!

  113. I was cutting a coconut open with my expensive knife and took a piece of metal right out of the blade!!! I was so upset! I’ll never do that again. Now my knife that I use to do all my chopping is ruined.

  114. I could use a new set of knives because the ones I have are becoming dull, and are not sharpenable :-/ I want to teach my nephew more about cooking, and safe kitchen practices, but good knives make that much safer!

  115. We have a collection of knives that we’ve been accumulating over the course of college and grad school. A couple of the knives are good, but most of them are terrible. I am also in desperate need of a new cutting board. 🙂

  116. I would love to win the knives. All of my knives are dull or wrecked. This would be a great addition to my set of tools for eating healthly!!!!

  117. Our knives were a wedding gift – 26.5 years ago! They are dull, pock marked and discolored, and the wooden handles are now loose and one is even starting to splinter. We try to eat very healthy, but It sure makes food prep extremely frustrating!

  118. I’m about to move into my first apartment, and I’ll need to outfit my kitchen. Knives are something I lack at this point, and it’s kind of an intimidating purchase!

  119. Well why would I want to win these wonderful knives and cuttin board. I have never had such a good knife ever. Always had to struggle with junk. It makes me procrastinate preparing healthy food. The saying is true that you get cut with dull knives quicker than sharp ones, learned it from personal experience!

    Thanks you for the oppurtunity to win such a great prize.

  120. I only have two Furi knives that are totally worn down, It’s frustrating to not be able to cut meat!! I cook 90% of my own meals, so new knives would be a tremendous help!!

    Thank you!!

  121. My current set of knives are totally worn out from teaching my daughters how to cook with me. A professional set would be wonderful!

  122. Awesome giveaway thanks!! I have never owned a “good” set of knives. I cook for our family of 5 everyday and this would make that so much better!!

  123. my knives are old and cheap and use a plastic cutting board. Starting eating more raw foods-so this would make it easier to chop up. THANKS!

  124. My knives are uber old and it’s something I never think of (or want) to replace…especially since good ones are so pricey! Thanks for this great giveaway!

  125. Since switching to clean eating and rotating meat and vegetables every day. My time spent in preparation has increased. These knives and cutting board would be a great addition to my prep time and make it a lot easier. Especially when the products function well :)) And I have no doubt these would!!
    Thanks for the give away! How fun!

  126. You can never have too many cutting boards. I love this one as it’s eco friendly, sanitary and durable and can handle all the cutting and carving that I do!

  127. My knives are getting old and dull even with the sharpening. I would use every single knife in the set. Thank you!

  128. I could use a new set of knives so my husband will stop complaining about them! I would also love that cutting board. I have cheap plastic ones. Thank you for the giveaway!

  129. With as much prep work as we do in the kitchen, we would enjoy high quality knives… and appreciate the safety of using sharp knives!

  130. I need a new set of knives because I have a friend who’s short on money and long on kids and who could really, really use them. If I win them they’ll go straight to her.

  131. I need a new set of knives because I’m in the midst of trying to switch to a non dairy real foods diet, and all the SAD cooking has really wracked up my cheapie knives.

  132. Why could I use a new set of knives? Here’s a hint … my partner is outside as I write this, using my best knife to saw a ginormous rawhide dog chew bone into three parts for our dogs.
    Big sigh here. I also need a locking box to keep them in!

  133. I am on the journey of healing my body from a devastating disease, and helping to heal my family’s various health issues (lots of allergies) by letting food be our medicine. My knives are old and dull, not making the task of food preparation as joyful as it should be. I would be thankful to win your beautiful knives.

  134. Hi, I’m new here but came on board to learn about the Adrenal Fatigue Test and Village Green. Anyway, the knives would be very useful for my new Farm-Based Cooking with Julie and Kids After school program in East Troy WI. I’m excited to be working with children who will be making nutrient dense meals to take home to their families. Of course we need good knives.

  135. Never had a new nice set of knives before, just handme downs from mom, grandma or rummage sales. Would love a nice set that actually does the job. Blessings to everyone who enters.

  136. Thank you so much for the giveaway. I have a small addiction to cutting boards. Very strange, I know.

  137. I purchased a cheap set of knives when I first got married. I wasn’t cooking as much and I had no idea how important good knives were. Seven years later I still have that same set of cheap knives and everyday I wish I had some quality ones.

  138. I really need a new set of knives, as I have had a few recent nicks and accidents due to my old, dull ones. My boyfriend yells at me about this all the time, but I always feel like I need to spend my money on other things. This would be an excellent prize for me, as I LOVE to cook!

  139. I have only one semi sharp knife in my kitchen so sure could use some knives. I have been procrastinating buying knives because I just don’t know what to buy.

  140. When you can’t sharpen your knives anymore, I think it’s time for new ones! This is what recently happened to me so I NEED NEW KNIVES!!! Thank you.

  141. I definitely need a nice wooden cutting board and some better knives! I’m in the process of getting rid of all plastic kitchen wares, which includes my cutting board.

  142. Every knife in our kitchen has come from the Dollar Store, I think, and they are pitifully dull! I’m almost afraid to use them for fear that a dull knife will cause a bigger wound than a sharp knife would…these knives would make my work in the kitchen sooooooooo much easier!!!!

  143. We got a cheap set when first married and could really use some better quality knives now that we actually use them everyday!

  144. My knives are OLD and worn and my cutting board is an old icky plastic one from ikea. I need this giveaway!!

  145. We need these knives at my firestation because I am fairly sure the off shift cuts soda cans and nails with our knives! They are so dull you cannot cut a bacon package open!

  146. my set are over 30 yrs old and were a cheap set bought for my by my ex. he really didn’t know what he was buying.

  147. My husband paid $5 for a set of five (5) knives about 10 years ago. The handles are breaking off and it’s time they were replaced.

  148. I have become more and more adept at cooking healthier and the “real” food that I use requires good sharp knives to cut and take apart. I have also learned to care for knives much better and so would like to start from scratch with new knives and these are beautiful!

  149. I have a set of JA Henckels and they do not keep an edge. I thought spending a bit on a good set of knives would last me a lifetime, but I was wrong,, could really use some good knives 🙂

  150. I have been doing this whole real food thing for 12 years now. With a husband and 4 children. And I have NEVER had a new set of knives! Hand me down, cheap knives is what I’ve got. Ridiculous!! LOL

  151. I have never had a good set of knives. My mom cut everything with steak knives. I would love to have a set that actually cuts things nicely.

  152. My husband & I are juicing veggies now and can always use good knives 🙂 and that cutting board it a piece of art. Thank you for the opportunity!

  153. Anything would be better than the mish mash of kitchen knives and cutting boards I have! Technically, I have cutting plastic sheets! UGH!

  154. I don’t need this kitchen set however my husband does 🙂 He works extremely hard to prepare wonderful meals for us each and every night and deserves the best knife set/cutting board possible 😀

  155. I would like to give the set of knives to my daughter, who just moved into a new apartment after graduating from college.

  156. Well, I don’t really need the knives, but the cutting board would be fabulous. Actually, I have a dear friend who cooks for a family of 10 and she doesn’t have any good knives. I would definitely give her the knives, and probably the board too.

  157. My sad hodgepodgery of knives is not keeping up with my desire to cut finely and safely during dinner prep. Eventually I must replace my poor knives that will not hold an edge anymore. This is a wonderful opportunity you are giving us! Thank you!

  158. We have two knives that are in constant use, but cooking three meals a day for three people means we could always use more!

  159. We are growing our own food, and staying away from going out to eat. All this home cooking is amazing, but we need more tools!! 🙂

  160. My kitchen is half good knives and half junk – after working alongside a professional chef on some food prep for my son’s school fun fair I realized just how junky the junk ones are. I make just about everything my family eats from scratch and there is no tool that is more important than a good knife!

  161. I’m learning how to cook healthier meals for my family – would love a set of decent knives and that beautiful teak cutting board!

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