Castor Oil Packs for Detoxification, Allergies, and Liver Health

Once upon a time, I found a magic remedy that was easy for anyone to do and made me look like a superhero healer. It also made me feel like a million bucks and got rid of my dark under eye circles. Though nobody with a chronic illness lives happily ever after with a single remedy, castor […]
Improve Sleep – and endocrine function – with These Essential Oils
I’m one of those fancy schmancy people who loves the symphony. All of the instruments playing together making beautiful music. Can you imagine if there was a rogue cellist who started playing We Will Rock You in the middle of a Mozart concerto? Chaos. Other members of the orchestra would eventually fall out of time […]
Flower Essences: 7 All-Natural Remedies for Happier Kids (and Parents)

You’re tired. The remains of this morning’s oatmeal is still in your hair. Your tiniest human is teething, and the others need a nap or three. We all love our children, but sometimes we could happily sell them to the nice elderly couple down the street for a shower and an hour of silence. When […]
How To Get More Sleep Tonight
Note from Jennifer: Today’s post comes from freelance writer, Jessica Socheski. Sleep is the #1 catalyst to me having a good day or a bad one. My body is just learning to function again, and lack of sleep can send me into a tailspin of fatigue that will take me out for at least […]
Flower Essences 101

Have you ever struggled through the day feeling exhausted, broken, and fed up or get so angry that you feel like your head will explode? Traumatic memories, a difficult childhood, and an acute or chronic illness are all common causes of emotional disturbances that can slow or even halt healing. And at Healing Redefined, we’re […]
7 All-Natural Cold & Flu Remedies for Kids

I’m always learning new ways to supplement my natural medicine cabinet. As a holistic practitioner with a daughter that has latent food allergies and chemical sensitivities, it requires an arsenal. I am always on the lookout for new effective all-natural cold & flu remedies. I only use remedies that are gentle, safe, and effective and […]
Liver Cleansing with Castor Oil Packs: My Experience

Last week I began using castor oil packs for liver congestion, and I really can’t believe how well they work. Since we began the Autoimmune Paleo Protocol a couple of weeks ago, I’ve seen my energy bounce back, my skin start to clear up again, and I finally feel back on track with healing. I […]
How to Use Essential Oils for Better Digestion

Note from Jennifer: Today, we have a guest post from Becky Webb, a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, certified herbalist, and amazing doula who is skilled in working with essential oils. We met through our NTP course earlier this year and have been BFFs ever since! I asked her to pop over to help you learn more […]
5 Ways to Naturally Treat a Yeast Infection

Early in life, I learned that yeast infections were a part of womanhood. Something that many women get on a regular basis and required treatment either by prescription or a white box from the drug store. …a horribly embarrassing white box that contains a turkey baster mess of epic proportions. Who came up with that […]