How to Lose Weight and Have More Energy: At-Home Iodine Protocol

Real Food Meal Plans for Busy People


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Welcome! I'm Jennifer, the owner & founder of Healing Redefined Holistic Wellness Center, holistic practitioner, and head nutrition nerd here at Healing Redefined.

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thymus thump IMMUNE SUPPORT

immune boosting supplements IMMUNE SUPPORT

iodine protocol THYROID SUPPORT

adrenal fatigue ADRENAL SUPPORT

healing reactions HEALING RESPONSES

Medical Disclaimer: The information contained in this blog is not intended as a substitute for medical advice. Please consult a physician in matters relating to serious illness and particularly with respect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention.

Medications – You should work closely with your physician to adjust medications as your body heals. Many of you will be able to say goodbye to “maintenance” medication forever but some will not.

88 Responses

    1. My 4-year-old daughter (under 30 lbs) had a goiter that I couldn’t get rid of with food. I started supplementing her with one drop of Lugol’s 2% 2-3 times a week, and it cleared up very quickly. To be conservative, you can try 1/2-1 drop of the 2% 1-2 times a week and move to a maximum of 1-2 drops 2-3 times a week unless under the care of a qualified practitioner.

  1. I love this post, Jennifer! I just started supplementing with iodine, because I was waiting for test results to see if I had Hashimotos (because I have another autoimmune disease so I was at high risk for Hashimotos). But I don’t, so yay!

    Anyways, I bought the Biotics iodine drops and it is 150 mcg (microgram) per drop. I had no idea that people in Japan get 12 miligrams per day. I will definitely use this chart to gradually increase my iodine dosage… I realize I’m taking a pretty insignificant dose at 150 measly micrograms per day.

    1. So glad you don’t have it Lauren! I was surprised that the Biotics dosage was so low too when I first looked it up. We’ll have to have a talk with Gray. 😉

  2. Great post! I appreciate all of the cautions within. I will definitely file this post away for later when I’m doing a bit better.

  3. I have been on thyroid medication for just over and year and I am still exhausted all of the time. I have been reading more and more about iodine. I think I am going to give it a try and see if it works. I think I have some adrenal issues as well though, Thanks for posting.

    1. The iodine supplementation made a significant difference in my energy levels when I started supplementing with it. Since the thyroid and adrenal glands support each other, you can support both of them by increasing the function of one.

      You can also try this quick test to see if you have one of the markers of adrenal dysfunction.

  4. I never understood the argument that the Japanese eat a lot of iodine. They also eat a lot of soy which counters the iodine.

    What would be the consequence of taking large amounts of iodine without the compensating soy?

    1. Traditionally, the Japanese only eat fermented soy (reduces the anti-nutrients) and not in very large amounts. That intake likely has no or little effect on their iodine consumption.

      I note in the post that Dr. Brownstein treats his patients with 50 mg of iodine without side effects, but I prefer to be cautious without proper testing.

      Oversaturation of iodine in the body is usually excreted but can cause thyroid dysfunction just as a deficiency does. Too much and too little of any nutrient is bad for the body.

      1. I agree they do eat fermented soy. That gets rid of some things (like phytic acid), but maybe adds others that are beneficial (probiotics), and maybe still keeps the deleterious things like it’s estrogen-like effects. Estrogen and Thyroid compete for the same receptors. So the added iodine is amelioriated by the higher pseudo-estrogen. I wouldn’t say they don’t eat very large amounts however.

        But I would also say we don’t know really know, that dynamic has not been checked. At least the last time I checked Brownstein. The general principle of not overdoing supplements is good of course.

        The best thing to do is to take the Hakala test, and know for sure, rather than just supplementing.

        1. You’ve hit it with the probiotic aspect. Probiotics help with gut health and detoxification. Hormones are broken down and filtered out or reformed into other substances in the liver, so the estrogen would not be an issue in a healthy person. The benefits of fermentation and beneficial microbial activity help this process even more.

          I’ve studied the traditional Japanese diet and found that they consumed small portions of fermented soy like natto and properly-fermented soy sauce. If you have any info that shows contradictory evidence on their soy consumption, I’d love to read up on it! I’m sure there is a lot more info out there that I’ve had access to. Traditional diets are fascinating, and we’re always learning something new.

          I think testing for nutritional deficiencies is very important too. Since not everyone can afford all of the testing the need, I try to have safe options in the meantime.

          Thank you for sharing!

          1. I wish I could find something more than this, but it’s a good article on the kinds and amounts of soy that are eaten in Asia.
            the comments on that post are good too.

            I should reread Brownstein to find out if I missed something, but my point is basing an amount of iodine based on what one culture in asia does is not sufficient by itself.

            Thanks for the conversation

            1. I definitely agree about not basing nutrient dosages on what a far away culture eats as its typical diet. Using the reference in this post is to speak to the commonality and safety of the intake amount. I have seen no side effects from this dose in my research or in practice, but it is still effective in supporting the needs of the body.

              You are free to pass on the information if it doesn’t fit with your beliefs of course. If so, we can agree to disagree and put the issue to rest.

  5. Jennifer, The link to salt loading isn’t working. I am very interested in this. I am pretty sure myself and several of my children are iodine deficient. My now 17 yo daughter had a goiter at age 8 which I treated by painting iodine on her skin and food changes. She still has fatigue issues, fog brain and cold hands feet as well as the low temp. Her thyroid studies are “normal.” I am looking at iodine supplement and detox to see if it will help all of us. Thanks again for your great info.

    1. Thank you so much for letting me know! It is working again.

      It definitely sounds like iodine could be a very helpful treatment with her symptoms, so I hope it works for you as well as it has in my experience. Best of luck Joy!

  6. Lots of people with Hashi’s developed the autoimmune disease BECAUSE they have been deficient for so long – read Dr. Brownstein’s book. Warnings like this kept me afraid of taking iodine for 2-3 years while my health continued to deteriorate and my Free T3 and T4 continued to drop despite large increases in thyroid med.

    I finally reread the Brownstein book and then used Hakala Labs (I’m in no way affiliated with them) to do an iodine loading test and found that my iodine levels were in the 30% range (they should be over 90%). I’ve been taking 50 mg a day since last September and it has been life changing!

    Please don’t scare those with Hashi’s away from iodine – they just require the test to determine if they need the iodine or not. I did have the typical reaction of swelling in the throat and voice hoarseness when starting, but Brownstein tells those with Hashi’s to expect that.

    1. I’m sorry if you misunderstood Laurie, but I do not in any way discourage people from pursuing iodine therapy with Hashimoto’s. I ask that they contact a qualified health practitioner skilled in iodine therapy. No person should self-treat a serious disease, and Dr. Brownstein offers the same caution like any health practitioner should.

      I also explain that I recommend Dr. Brownstein’s book and use it in my practice with my clients, so I have definitely read it. Please be careful of responding with defensiveness based on your experiences without fully reading the information provided and understanding what you read. That is what can cause misunderstandings and misinformation.

    1. It’s a very essential nutrient for children, so I recommend iodine while pregnant and nursing. Starting on such a conservative schedule will prevent too much detox.

      1. I just found out that I am newly pregnant with our second. I suspect that I am deficient in iodine and would like to supplement, but I am worried about too much detox and potential harm to our developing little one. Do the benefits outweigh and possible detox risks? Thanks so much!

        1. Because of the importance of iodine in developing fetuses, I suggest supplementing but starting slowly and paying attention to how you feel. You can get tested for any autoimmune tendencies first if that is a concern. You can also apply iodine transdermally (to the skin) by painting it as a patch on areas of thinner skin – inner arm, inner thigh, etc. When going this route, be sure to pay attention to any skin irritation and stop if you have any adverse reaction.

  7. How do you measure that 98.6 degrees? Is that during the day or basal body temp? For women, do you know if it is pre- or post-ovulation? My pre-ovulation BBT is pretty low, but my post-ovulation temps are closer to normal.

    Great post, though! Most of the women in my family have hypothyroidism, so I’m always on the look out for symptoms of onset and ways to hold off developing it. My mom and I were just talking last night about how we both need more iodine.

    1. Basal body temp so first thing when you wake up. Right after your period is the most accurate time, but I like to check every day for a couple of months to get the most accurate picture. Fingers crossed that you can get your nutrients balanced and keep hypothyroidism away! Hopefully, the work of Dr. Brownstein can work to reverse it in those who are already have it.

  8. I’m curious if you have any further information, or know where I might be able to find some, about someone who has no thyroid. I had a complete thyroidectomy 5 years ago and currently take a high dosage of Synthroid every day to help manage. My endocrinologist says my dosage is right based on my blood work but I still have so many of the symptoms of hypothyroidism. Based on what I’ve learned not having a thyroid would mean I would have no impact or benefit from going on an iodine regimen. Unfortunately all the information I have found has been either strictly western medicine based and advises against going on any natural thyroid replacement supplement or inconclusive natural options that are meant more for people who still have their thyroid but it just may not be functioning properly. I was just curious if you maybe had any suggestions or references. As always thank you so much for your posts! They are always so great and helpful – I appreciate this blog so much!!!! 🙂

    1. I would suggest reading Dr. Brownstein’s books on iodine (linked to in the post) and the thyroid. He is a medical doctor so has a strong footing in both Western and alternative medicine but leans heavily toward alternative health. He’s also one of the leading authorities on thyroid health so likely sees patients in your situation often. Best of luck Page!

  9. I am not currently pregnant yet, but am taking a whole food prenatal to prepare for getting pregnant soon. It contains 10mg of iodine per serving, and I take it every day. Do you think I should supplement iodine on top of this?

    1. The only way to ‘officially’ tell if you are getting enough is to take an iodine loading test. You can order them online or get them from practicing practitioners if you decide to go that route. You can also try basing it on symptoms of iodine deficiencies like excess skin tags and moles. Since those symptoms vary by person, I suggest reading more into it. The book from Dr. Brownstein that I mentioned is very thorough with its information. Adding in fish stocks and fish eggs are wonderful ways to add naturally-occurring iodine, and give your body some much needed nutrition to prepare yourself to carry a wee one.

  10. Great article! I am 13 weeks pregnant and have thyroid levels within “normal” range, but I still have some hypothyroid symptoms. Do you think it would be safe to supplement with this for the remainder of the pregnancy?

    1. Congratulations Amy! Iodine is a very important nutrient during pregnancy, and I highly recommend it when under a qualified practitioner’s car. My iodine post (click here to read) will give you more information and some good food sources of it, just be sure of where it comes from and try to stay away from seaweed from the Asian continent right now. I would take any supplementation very slowly to see how your body reacts and it’s ability to detox any halides in your system – chlorine, fluoride, etc. -, and make your doctor aware of any supplementation you are taking.

  11. I am hypothyroid and have been taking Iodoral (12.5 mg) for almost two years. It has definitely helped. I even had a cyst in my breast that I was getting checked yearly that completely disappeared (very common with iodine supplementation). I’ve recently been reading up on Nascent Iodine and wondering if I should try that. Are you familiar with this type of iodine and do you know what would be the equivalent (how many drops) to 12.5 mg of Iodoral?

    1. I’m sorry, but I have not worked with nascent iodine or know anyone who has. I would have your thyroid function monitored by your doctor while you try it, but I don’t see a reason to avoid it if your body responds well.

  12. I’m allergic to shellfish which apparently means that I’m allergic to iodine. I once had a very bad reaction to an iodine-based die. Any suggestions for an alternative?

    1. Iodine is an essential nutrient so there is no substitute for it. You can look into healing your body so it no longer reacts to iodine – not always possible with all allergies – and seek alternative treatments that lessen your body’s reaction. NAET is often very successful with eliminating sensitivites, and Dr. Brownstein also recommends it for iodine sensitivities. Just be sure to proceed with caution.

  13. But what if you are already taking thyroid medication? Do you still take the medication along WITH following this protocol??

    Thank you!

    1. If you are already under a doctor’s care and have a thyroid condition, please be sure to work with your doctor. You can bring him/her a copy of the protocol and discuss it with him, but I would not suggest self-treatment without your doctor being aware. You can pick up a copy of Dr. Brownstein’s book mentioned in the post and find a holistic practitioner if you and your doctor have dissenting views on natural supplements.

  14. Go to the Facebook group “Iodine Worshop” — you’ll find lot’s of people using iodine to heal and their experiences.

    1. Are you meaning to say “worship”; or “workshop”? I do find a FB Group titled Iodine Workshop and see that it is a ‘closed’ group.
      Can one still read the contents if it’s a closed group?
      Thanks for sharing.

  15. Hi Jennifer, I was a little confused when I read how to take the solution in the article because it mentioned both taking it 20 minutes before ingesting food and also sipping it during the meal. The author states, “During the passing years Vermont folk medicine has worked out a different plan and it is one I like to follow. It has been referred to in another connection elsewhere in this book. To repeat, adding one teaspoonful of apple cider vinegar to a glass of water to make the water acid in reaction, holding the medicine dropper horizontal in order to get a maximum drop, one drop of the Lugol’s solution is added to the mixture. The contents are stirred with a spoon and sipped through the course of the meal, as one would drink a cup of coffee or tea. – See more at: So Im not sure if it make a difference or not when to take it. What has been your experience because I really want to try this because my doctor isn’t helping me with my thyroid problem.

    1. I’m sorry that wasn’t clear. To me, 20 minutes before a meal is ‘with’ a meal so you can do either method. It won’t affect absorption as long as the stomach is acidic enough.

  16. I’m wondering if I should supplement with Iodine and/or kelp. Based on my recent lab results my thyroid levels seem low but my doctor didn’t seem concerned. Free T4 was 1.1 and Free T3 was 2.9. My Iron Ferritin is 12. I feel fatigued most of the time and have stiff achy joins especially my lower back. I started taking my body temperature and it flactuates between 97.3 to 98.3. I’m taking Floradix for Iron but I’m still researching other iron supplements. Your thoughts are appreciated.

    1. Vivian,

      Lower back pain is usually associated with adrenal fatigue and adrenal dysfunction affects the thyroid gland. You can try this at-home test to see if your adrenals are stressed: Focusing on my adrenals while supplementing with iodine was key for increasing my energy levels.

      I don’t recommend iron supplementation in most cases. We get enough iron through food. The most common reasons for chronic anemia is an issue of digestive dysfunction where you are not properly breaking down and absorbing the iron, pathogenic gut bacteria eating it (caused by a gut flora imbalance), or the body hiding it due to a infection (usually chronic). we are almost through our series on healing digestion. If you’d like to read more on it, you can start with step 1 here:

  17. Is this something that you would recommend for someone that does not have a Thyroid? I had Thyroid Cancer 8 years ago & had to have it removed. I have fought to lose weight ever since. I take Synthroid & the Dr. keeps my levels suppressed to avoid a reoccurrence of the Cancer. If there is something healthier for this problem I am game to try it.

    1. The entire body uses iodine but in much smaller concentrations than the thyroid, so the higher concentrations should not be needed. I would suggest following Dr. Brownstein’s work and reading his books on iodine (linked to above) and the thyroid to get started. He is one of the foremost authorities on natural treatment of thyroid disorders and replacement hormones. I would also suggest working with a holistic practitioner who knows better ways to assist the body in preventing cancer. The Gerson Therapy is wonderful for a short-term plan on cancer prevention and reversal.

  18. Hi 🙂

    Is it always needful to do salt-loading ? Is there another way to do it ? With something else but Salt? I am living quite low-salt since 1 year and i m actually afraid to gain water-weight by adding so much salt now?

    How often does one do this salt loading? every day? every morning? before taking iodoral? isnt the detox quite low in the morning ..considering that one took the last dosage of iodoral the other morning the day before?

    I only take 6 mg Iodoral so far. And right 20 minutes after having it i feel weird. Its like pressure feeling in my throat. Actually not where the thyroid is but on the sides of my throat. I also feel kind of dizzy or jittery …as if my pulse is rising. And also some weird feeling like vibrating or weakness in my legs.

    I ve had headaches the other days and some neck-pain. Also i feel as if my eyesight is worse.

    All those symptoms r worse in the morning after i took my dosage and better in the afternoon and evening.

    Should i do less sports while my body is detoxing? But on the other hand it could take months or even years right?

    I took my iodoral after my breakfast (usually fruits) whats the deal with vinegar and iodoral on empty stomach?

    thx so much

    best regards


    1. Salt is a necessary nutrient, so I would not avoid it unless you have high blood pressure and have found unrefined salt to also be a problem. Read more about unrefined salt and its health benefits here:

      You may want to pick up a copy of Dr. Brownstein’s book on iodine and join the ‘Iodine Workshop’ Facebook group. Those 2 resources should be able to answer a lot of your questions. If you’re not comfortable with following an iodine protocol on your own, I would suggest working with a holistic practitioner familiar with iodine protocols.

      Best of luck with your journey!

  19. Really excited to start this and hopefully start feeling better!! Kinda confused though about the dosing….In one paragraph you say to take 2 drops of the 2% daily, but then the chart says differently ( I think??) and says by month 2 double it to 12.5%. So if I follow the chart I would use 3 drops of 2% on the days with X’s in month 1 and then double it for month 2? Please help!! Thanks!! 🙂

    1. Hey Bethani! 2 drops of 2% is just under 6.25 mg, so you would take 4 drops in month 2 to get to 12.5 mg. You will take 2 drops of the Lugol’s 2% in month one and 4 drops in month 2.

      1. Awesome!! Thank you so much!! Took my first dose on Tuesday and am noticing a difference in my energy level already!! Such a relief. It’s just been so hard dealing with this for so long. I am so super excited!! I can’t thank you enough for sharing this!!!

  20. Hi, Jennifer!
    I’ve been taking Lugol’s 5% for several months now. I use 6 drops at present. I may have noticed very slight detox when I first started but don’t seem to now. I was also taking Vitamin C and Selenium. I am nearly out of Selenium so I’m wondering since I have not detox issues right now (I’ve been mostly eating a nourishing traditions diet along with milk kefir and kombucha, raw milk and really trying to eliminate the “nasty” food) for about a year. I recently had some bloodwork and would be happy to share the results if that will help with seeing what else I need.

    1. I’d be happy to take a look at the results, but I will only be able to advise you on proper supplementation if you are a nutritional therapy client. Please feel free to e-mail me at jennifer AT 20somethingallergies DOT com if you would like to talk more about working together.

  21. I have Hasimoto’s and this article made me very curious about iodine. You suggest talking to your healthcare provider first before trying iodine, I know my endocrinologist and even my regular doctor probably would caution me from trying anything like this, but I think that would be out of ignorance so what would be the problem with someone with Hasimoto’s trying this? I also have wegener’s granulomatosis another auto immune. Is it dangerous with the medications? I’m not taking steroids right now for the WG, but I still take antibiotics and take levothyroxin for the Hashimoto’s

  22. This is so interesting and enlightening! My question is regarding cats. Do you think I could do the child’s dose on my cat? He is 17 and just diagnosed with hyperthyroidism.

    1. Cats’ body systems are so sensitive and different from our own that I wouldn’t feel comfortable supplementing them without talking to a holistic vet who is skilled in iodine supplementation.

  23. A very important point is that Lugols HAS to be taken with Selenium, and taking Lugols with vitamin C at the same time (and maybe the same day) cancels the Iodine out. If you have an iodine stain and smear vitamin c on it, it will disappear. Vitamin C is need to help the Iodine symporters and if you have defective symporters then you should take 3mg of vitamin C (slow release) over 3 months with Iodine every other day. So Vitamin C should be taken one day and Iodine the next, for the first 3 months, if you have defective symporters (this can be tested with a loading test)

    1. 3 grams not mg, sorry for other typos. But don’t take my word for it, just started researching this stuff and might have made a mistake somewhere. Do your own research. By the way I meant that you can take Vit C every other day even if you don’t have defective symporters, to help the already functioning symporters (if that even helps already functioning symporters? (so there might not be a point), I dont know), but then you might have to take Iodine every other day since the two “might” cancel each other out. Like I said I could be wrong in all of this, so don’t take my word for it and do your own research

    2. Yes John, it’s important to get the proper nutrient co-factors when taking any supplement. Vitamin C can be taken same day but should be taken away from iodine.

      Thank you for sharing your thoughts!

  24. I eat liver pills every day, and take 5ml of FCLO daily as well. How can I figure out if I still need to supplement with Iodine?

    1. I don’t believe either source has a good amount of iodine. Cows are land animals, and only contain iodine if they are supplemented. Fermented cod liver oil is not tested for its iodine content. You can find some good food sources HERE.

      The most common tests are the skin patch test and iodine loading test. A Google search should provide instructions on both and the book by Dr. Brownstein that I link to has thorough information on the iodine loading test. In my practice, I go by symptoms of iodine deficiency and monitor how my clients react to supplementation.

  25. Hey Jennifer,

    Awesome website,

    I normally start my day with eating 1 cup carrot juice, 2 oranges, 1/2 avocado, and 1 cucumber, the carrot juice and oranges have alot of vitamin c, will they be alright too eat like half and hour after taking the iodine ???


  26. I just had an iodine urine test completed through ZRT lab and the result was 59 while optimal is 100 to 300. I had been eating lots of fish and shellfish, so much so that I now have a shellfish allergy/intolerance and cannot eat it anymore. Fish I don’t know yet. So I will have to find another way to increase my iodine level. Unfortunately, I also have leaky gut and a lot of food sensitivities that I am dealing with and I’m now progressing through the steps of healing my gut and taking baby steps. I was on an elimination diet and kept getting sicker and sicker the past 2 months until I realized the shellfish was the problem. Also cannot tolerate raw veggies right now. So I’m on the broth, cooked meat, cooked veggies and some rice plan. Just starting to add in some small amounts of probiotics and enzymes. After nearly 20 yrs on acid blockers which I finally got off of completely one month ago, I’m sure I have many nutritional deficiencies (my Vitamin D3 was a 10 a couple of years ago but I supplemented and got it up to acceptable) but first I have to tackle healing my gut and being able to eat without digestive issues. Then maybe I can tackle the deficiencies? We eat a healthy diet, cook at home, no processed food or junk, organic, pasture fed, etc. etc. So I know I’m a big step ahead of many but still have a ways to go due to my history. Oh did I mention 3 decades of fibromyalgia symptoms? Oy. I may be contacting you for guidance. I have tons of information and knowledge, but I do tend to get confused and need a little direction at times. Ahh….sorry for rambling on your iodine post. This was just very timely since I received my test result last night. Comprehensive stool test results came 2 days ago. So I’m working on it….if you have any interest in sending me info on your fees and how you would work to give someone like me guidance along the way on my healing (from a distance), feel free to email me. Thank you.

  27. Hi, very interesting article. I have been taking Lugols on and off for a year. I didn’t supplement with anything else. It has helped with my breast cyst tremendously but I have developed hyperthyroidism with goiter. What do I do now? I was prescribed methamizole but i’d rather cure it naturally. Any advice?

    1. It’s possible that you are taking too large of a dose without having the corresponding co-factors that help it work in the body. I would suggest reading the books that I link to in the article and finding a holistically-minded practitioner to work with. It’s not something I would suggest most people tackle on their own when dealing with severe dysfunction.

  28. Hello! Just a question on the recommended dosing schedule. Just want to be sure I understand. During week 5, do you continue the lower dose every day and increase your dose every four days…returning back to the lower dose on the “off” days?

  29. I have been taking Iodine drops now for almost 6 weeks and am amazed at how i feel! I had had thyroid testing done in the past and always low side of normal. but continued to gain weight and many other awful symptoms. My fiance has taken iodine for a long time and he got me on it originally for detox purposes. the first few week i had horrible breakouts and headaches. the headaches were almost like migraines that i could not take anything to make it better. I almost stopped taking it but my fiance kept telling me to sweat it out. my back hurt, but then about 3 weeks in i started noticing my clothes are loose. I have lost about 15 lbs (still losing), i am feeling great. still having some issues with my skin but its better than it was. no headaches and i havent had this kind of energy in YEARS!

    1. That’s great Kristi! I only take it a couple of times a week now, but I definitely notice a drop in energy and fatigue creep back in when I need another dose.

      It sounds like you are likely deficient in some necessary nutrients that goes along with iodine supplementation like selenium. Dr. Brownstein does a great job laying out which nutrients you may need to take and dosages. And be sure to try the salt loading! It’s very helpful when you feel like your body is having trouble eliminating those nasty toxins.

  30. Hi Jennifer,
    I do not have a thyroid due to cancer. I’m post Thyroidectomy by 4 years. Can I still take the iodine?

    1. I’m so sorry to hear that, Stephanie. I’m glad that you are 4 years past it though. 🙂

      I wouldn’t take large amounts of iodine without a thyroid. The rest of the body needs iodine too but in lower concentrations. A great way for you to get a real food source of iodine is through seaweeds. Find a clean source and regularly add different forms of dried seaweed to your food and broths.

  31. I’ve been taking Iosol for a few years at least and normally under 10mg, about 6mg daily but yesterday I took about 10mg and felt an energy boost. I had heard the night before from an alternative MD, that 12.5 mg was best, so I upped my dose and felt the boost. I’ll work with the 10mg now.

      1. Hi dear Jennifer 🙂
        Thanks for you info about iodine .
        I want to tell my story , maybe this will help other women
        For over 3 years I began gaining weight , fatigue , loss of hair ,thinning of eyebrows , painful breast , chin hair , moon face puffy eyes , it was not me anymore . I was tranformed . I have been so elegant . I thought it was the process of age, I am 34.
        I was for dinner with my friend and took some photos , noticed a swollen neck . Oh God , my thyroid problem is back !!?? When I was 13 , i took some pills , for 3 months .

        I painted my arms with betadine that night . After 2 days went for summer holidays at beach .
        After the holidays I had lost a bit of weight , had more energy . I related all these and I thought I was hypothyroid .
        Searched on web , and what to see , i was deficent in iodine . I had all symtoms , the moon face , puffy eyes , myxoedema swollen hand and feet .
        What was the cause ???!!
        I read that chlorine displace iodine . Omg , i have been doing total cleaning of my 3 bathrooms with Ace , chlorine liquid . I touched it with my naked hands and feet, all that chlorine gas I inhaled, 2-3 time in a month . . Oh , I was poisonig my self for over these years .
        Also , the aluminum in atiperspirant s is very dangerous for breast , mimics estrogen. I stoped it , and now use lomon juice , works perfectly .
        I painted my skin with lugols for 7-8 months and I have all my sypmtoms reversed , i have eyebrows now , my breast is not painful and is not swollen ,my feet nails are growing faster , my face and eyes are not puffy .
        I have start drinking for 2 weeks 50 mg of lugols in water . I feel even better . I eat sun flower seed as have planty of selenium and magnezum , also bananas plus votamin c . Avoid tap water
        I have lost weight and I am having the contol of body again. My heels are not cracked anymore ( i hated those ) .my hairline is fuller . I could not touch hairs because it caused me very pain to scalp . My skin has lost elasticity , now is fine and healthy , i get tanned quickly now , i do not burn easy . I have 2 bowl movement daily , always It was once in 2 days .
        I plan to continue 50 mg for 3 months , than will low dosage to 12 mg for a maintenance .
        PLEASE , dear women stay away from house cleaning detergents , or try to not touch those . You are killing the thyroid and your body .
        My life Is completly changed . I bless all info in web , the web has helped me from a miserable life . The symptoms come so slowly that you think it is you age , but please consider you thyroid , it is has A BUTERFLY SHAPE AND IS AS DELICATE AS BUTERFLY WINGS.

  32. Hi! I am new to the Iodine world. I am on month 4 – I started because I can NOT shake the last 10 pounds and unwanted inches from the birth of our last son 3 years ago. (3 kids). I do see a natural health practioner/chiropractor. He says not to take over 3 mg of Iodine a day…but I haven’t listened. 😉 At this point in time I am taking 9 drops a day. I have NOT lost any pounds and only an inch on my middle (which comes back from time to time). The last 2 months my cycle has been on time, but has had 1 very heavy day. The first month I chalked this up to my body changing inside but when it happened last month I started to get concerned. I also don’t have as much energy as I did in the beginning months of starting the Lugols (2%). I am thinking I just need to increase my dose. I have seen that 50mg is a good place to start, so if I am taking 9 drops a day that would = 27mg correct? I do have Selenium that I have not started using consistently. I do also use the Celtic Salt 2-3 times a day. We have RO water so I find it is a good way to put back some minerals in my body.

    My question – why am I not dropping the weight like so many people do (I eat very clean as I have been on the nutrition path for 10 years, and am active with the three kids. I do have a lot of stress though.) Is there an additional supplement I may be lacking? I see my Dr. in the morning tomorrow..I am debating on telling him I have been using the Iodion or not. Thoughts?? Thank you!

    1. I’m sorry I can’t give you specific advice, but it would take a health history and more information to do so. Hormones, emotional blockages, and diet are the most common hindrances to weight loss or gain that I see. It’s not about increasing your iodine dose, it’s about finding the rest of the pieces to the puzzle. It’s usually not so easy as a single supplement, but, for a lot of people, iodine is a big one to help give us the energy to pursue a path to wellness. I wish you the very best of luck finding the right practitioner for all of your needs!

  33. Hi Jennifer , I’ve been on Armour thyroid for about 7 years and have no thyroid, I’ve tried endlessly to lose weight. Do you think the iodine would help with that considering I have no thyroid? Thanks is advance !! Chris

    1. Iodine is a necessary nutrient for many cells in your body, so it’s good to consume iodine-containing foods for everyone without an allergy. Weight loss, if you are missing a main endocrine gland, will look a bit different but it can be and is often done. I wouldn’t recommend using iodine supplementation as a DIY weight loss tool, but I would highly recommend consulting with an integrative, functional, and/or holistic practitioner knowledgeable in all of the ‘moving’ parts and nutrients required to help your body function as well as possible.

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