7 All-Natural Cold & Flu Remedies for Kids

I’m always learning new ways to supplement my natural medicine cabinet. As a holistic practitioner with a daughter that has latent food allergies and chemical sensitivities, it requires an arsenal. I am always on the lookout for new effective all-natural cold & flu remedies. I only use remedies that are gentle, safe, and effective and […]
Liver Cleansing with Castor Oil Packs: My Experience

Last week I began using castor oil packs for liver congestion, and I really can’t believe how well they work. Since we began the Autoimmune Paleo Protocol a couple of weeks ago, I’ve seen my energy bounce back, my skin start to clear up again, and I finally feel back on track with healing. I […]
How to Use Essential Oils for Better Digestion

Note from Jennifer: Today, we have a guest post from Becky Webb, a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, certified herbalist, and amazing doula who is skilled in working with essential oils. We met through our NTP course earlier this year and have been BFFs ever since! I asked her to pop over to help you learn more […]
Do You Need to Break Up with Coffee? 5 Ways to Naturally Boost Your Energy

The alarm goes off. Exhausted, you crawl out of bed and stumble to the kitchen. Once that first jolt of java hits your brain, life begins again and allows you to merrily go about your day. Sound familiar? If you have blood sugar fluctuations, adrenal fatigue (hypofunction), anxiety, or high blood pressure, coffee is not […]
Stress-Relieving Chai Tea with Adaptogenic Herbs

Note from Jennifer: Today, I’m excited to take you to the world of herbs. I am still a babe in the woods when it comes to plant medicine, so I’m going to let Faith from the Nourishing Herbalist tell you more about adaptogenic herbs. She’ll also show you how to use them in a delicious […]
5 Ways to Naturally Treat a Yeast Infection

Early in life, I learned that yeast infections were a part of womanhood. Something that many women get on a regular basis and required treatment either by prescription or a white box from the drug store. …a horribly embarrassing white box that contains a turkey baster mess of epic proportions. Who came up with that […]
How Neuroplasticity Healed My Multiple Chemical Sensitivities

Note from Jennifer:Â Libby Louer has graciously agreed to share with us how she healed her multiple chemical sensitivities (MCS) using neuroplasticity. Though other healing modalities like nutrient supplementation are necessary for whole health healing, the brain is an integral part of overcoming chronic illness. I love sharing new alternative healing therapies with you! How Neuroplasticity […]
Boost Your Immune System in 15 Seconds: How To Thump Your Thymus

We’ve already discussed how your eyes can show the state of your adrenal glands and that your pulse can be used to find allergies. Let’s take a look another look into the amazing things that your body can do and learn how to boost its innate immunity.
Do You Get *Hangry*? The Blood Sugar Roller Coaster
Blood sugar issues plague the U.S. at epidemic rates, and blood sugar dysregulation causes some pretty crazy emotions. These emotional swings happen so often that hangry is now a common term and plastered all over everything from coffee mugs to pillows. No really, Google it. A lack of ready glucose causes a state of panic […]