Rotation Diet Menu Plan Week of 6/18-6/24/2012

This week’s menu plan is brought to you by zombie mama. I am TIRED. With 3 days of birthday celebrations and all of the prep work that preceded it, I could use a bit of a spa day. Yeah, that’ll happen. I tried to squeeze our food budget tight, tight, tight this week due to extra […]

Bedtime Yoga Routine for Amazing Sleep

A good night sleep is essential to a well-grounded productive day. It resets your body processes and restores body and mind. Practicing a short – or extended – yoga routine specifically designed to relax your nervous system and calm your energies is the perfect way to transition out of the rush and exhaustion of the […]

Carpet Cleaning (non-toxic, allergy-friendly, and frugal)

My carpet needed a serious deep clean. With a 4 year old, a husband, and a cat, it gets its fair share of wear and tear. It is also old and secretly wants to be laid to rest, but hardwood floors aren’t anywhere near the top of the to-do list. I make do…grudgingly. We used […]

Rotation Diet Menu Plan Wk of 6/9-6/15 (includes grocery receipts)

This week returns to full 7 day menu plans and follows Primal/Paleo/GAPS + starch. The grains have been ousted yet again, and we are feeling better already. ::happy dance:: Hubby is not ready to give up dairy, so you will see some dairy items listed. They are never part of the main meals. Our grocery […]

Homemade All-Purpose Scrub

Why use expensive chemicals to clean?    We began replacing harsh chemical cleaners with natural ones a few years ago. I was always put off from the harsh burning smell of cleaning chemicals and cover perfumes, and I can remember trying to hold my breath as much as possible while cleaning even as a teenager. […]

Today’s Freshly-Pressed Juice

There is always some curiosity when I talk about freshly-pressed juices. We don’t drink store-bought juices that are pasteurized and devoid of enzymes and most of the original nutrients. We use the Mini Green, a twin-gear juicer, and make our own. I make each juice to order and we have one almost every day during the warmer […]

Getting Better!

Just a quick note to say that I’m starting to feel much better. I got quite a bit of afternoon sunshine yesterday and an Epsom salts detox bath. I think that helped to turn the tide and knock out the virus I’ve been fighting on top of the food reactions. I still feel a bit […]

In A Funk

I cannot believe the blanket of crabbiness that has been draped over me for the last week. I can’t seem to kick it, and it seems to come in waves. I know the cause is somewhere between what I am eating and possible detox from all of the extra ferments. My most prominent symptoms are dark […]

We’re Almost Back To Good And An Update On Ferments

Well, hello dry and boring update. The cleansing day on Monday really made a difference in how we slept and woke up on Tuesday. I am still slightly short-tempered and fatigued, and Katie is occasionally whiny. Otherwise, it was almost a miraculous difference in how we felt. I’m not sure if our current ickiness is […]