It is day 3 of talking about real food supplements, and it seems to be a popular topic. Today, we’ll discuss Vitamin K2.
Vitamin K is not usually something you hear much about unless you’re giving birth. And then it’s only a quick blurb about the Vitamin K1 shot for blood clotting.
As a side note, eating food to prepare your body for childbirth is a much better way to nourish your baby. You can learn more about how to do that here.
Why Supplement?
There are many factors that can get in the way of our optimal health in this modern world.
- There are fewer nutrients in food due to depleted soil caused by unsustainable farming practices.
- The nutrients that are there often disappear by the time the food gets to our plate.
- Most of us have impaired digestion from generations of nutrient-poor food choices.
The good news is we know how to fix it.
A nutrient-dense diet that includes grass-fed/pastured animals (meat, organs, and bones), raw and fermented foods, biodynamic farming, and health knowledge that merges the old ways and science. Does it sound overwhelming? Take it in Baby Steps.
While we’re working on changes to our diet, it’s a good idea to add some concentrated nutrients to help jump start the healing process. Enter what we call ‘supplements’.
Vitamin K2: Another Fat-Soluble Vitamin
Here we are talking about another fat-soluble vitamin. Fermented cod liver oil has Vitamins A & D and adding K2 to the mix is the perfect brew for strengthening teeth, bones, hair, and the cardiovascular system.
This is a vital reason low- and no-fat diets are dangerous to our health. It also explains some of the long-term health problems associated with veganism.
I do advocate certain vegan healing diets like the Gerson Therapy, but not as a life-long eating plan.

Vitamin K2 and Cavities: Dr. Weston Price’s “Activator X”
The very short story on Dr. Price…
There was a dentist who turned the modern world on its head in the 1920’s. Dr. Weston A. Price puzzled over the poor dental health of his patients. He embarked on a world tour to find out why native societies around the globe had such strong and healthy teeth while people in ‘advanced’ societies did not.
These findings led to the traditional food movement that many of us now practice.
He concluded that a diet rich in nutrient-dense foods that includes fat-soluble vitamins and raw and fermented foods is important for every aspect of health. Modern, processed grains and other foods are the fastest way to a compromised bone structure, poor health, and a mouth full of cavities.
The key to healing many of these ills was found in dairy products from grass-fed animals who grazed on high mountain grasses during the summer months.
Today, we now know that this Activator X is Vitamin K2. It is an essential nutrient in healing cavities and other bone-weakening diseases.
There is enough information on the healing powers of Vitamins, A, D, and K2 together to fill several books, so there are further readings listed below for my fellow research fanatics.
Good Sources of Vitamin K2
Buy high-quality casein-free butter oil here. (affiliate link)
- natto (fermented soybeans) – highest known source
- grass-fed dairy, especially from June-September
- egg yolks, preferably from organic pastured birds
- organ meats, preferably from organic pastured animals
- raw fermented sauerkraut
Further Reading

Vitamin K2: The Missing Nutrient by Chris Kresser L.Ac
Photo Credit: takomabibelot, Skånska Matupplevelser
6 Responses
The power of these foods is insane. Every time I visit my dentist she’s always impressed how healthy my teeth are. Thanks for sharing!
I love your blog. Quick question…is this butter oil unpasteurized? I don’t want to risk getting any bugs…I know unpasteurized is better but for someone with chronic issues and probably low HCL, I don’t want to take the risk if it is unpasturized. Do you know how they ensure it is safe to consume? Thanks!!
I would contact Green Pasture with these questions.
I like cod liver oil too, my boyfriend and I both take it for a long time. It always help us on the teeth and joint, he is a professional skateboarder, he also takes hydrolyzed collagen that we got from wecarenaturals company, it has been helping him a lot. My digestion problem has been solved a lot too. Definitely recommend healthier supplement whoever decides to include in their diet.