Have you seen my guide on oil cleansing?
Oil pulling, also known as pulling oil, oil swishing, and Kavala gandusha or gandusha, is an ancient practice of moving oil around your mouth to remove toxins. It has become popular again in recent years as an easy way to improve your health without a lot of effort.
It’s also my favorite way to start the day. My teeth have never felt cleaner, are whiter than ever, and the skin around my jaw has tightened back up.
What surprised me most is that it clears my head from sleep and wakes me up better than a cup of coffee. I feel invigorated, happy, and ready to start the day.
Why Pull Oil?
Oil pulling is simply swishing oil around your mouth in a deliberate manner for 20 minutes. It’s usually done once a day before your first meal and on an empty stomach.
Moving the oil around helps to loosen stuck on plaque, remove unwanted bacteria and stains, and acts as a form of detoxification. It has amazingly whitened my teeth by 2-3 shades.
The detoxification process is said to happen by pulling toxins through the lingual artery and vein, the large artery and vein that runs through the underside of the tongue, but I haven’t found any evidence to support the blood detoxification claims.
It’s more likely that the action of swilling gets stagnant toxins in the sinus cavity and lymph nodes in motion so they can be carried through the body to be removed. The increased intake of essential fatty acids also help to nourish and detoxify.
Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs)
Fat is a super important part of our diet. A lack of healthy fats can contribute to inflammation, depression, anxiety, arthritis, osteoporosis, cancer, and many other health conditions.
Adequate intake of essential fatty acids can prevent and help reverse these symptoms of disease.
Originally recommended in the Charaka Samhita, an ancient Ayurvedic manuscript written around 200-400 BCE, oil pulling is considered an ancient health practice. The Charaka Samhita is one of the original guides on internal medicine and is still in practice today.
Fun Fact: It was originally written in Sanskrit as poetry, so it could be more easily committed to memory.
Oil Pulling Benefits
- better breath
- can increase energy and ‘clear the cobwebs from your brain’
- whiter teeth
- clearer skin
- reduced puffiness (including bags under the eyes)
- reduced stress
- toned facial muscles
- mild detox
- increased intake of EFAs
- clear sinuses
- relief from TMJ disorders
- reversal of gum disease and tooth infections
- reduced canker sores (often causes by ingredients in commercial toothpaste)
The Oil Pulling Method
- Put 1 tablespoon of oil in your mouth and start slowly moving it around. It’s not like the vigorous swish of mouthwash.
- “Pull” the oil through your teeth for 20 minutes. Push the oil to the front of your mouth and suck through your teeth back into the mouth cavity. Work around from the one side to the other and all around. I set the timer and do some tasks around the house to keep myself distracted.
- When finished, spit the oil into a disposable jar or into the wastebasket to avoid the hardened oil clogging plumbing pipes. Do not swallow.
- Brush your teeth with a natural toothpaste.
- Floss.
- Find reason to smile all day, so you can blind people with your new bright smile.
- The oil is filled with all the ick you just removed. Avoid swallowing it when possible. It will contain elements that could harm your body if swallowed (the same idea as heart attacks that are caused by extensive dental work).
Start small.
Use 1 teaspoon until you get used to the sensation, and then add more oil to future pulls once you get used to the mouth feel.
Start with 5 minutes at a time if you need to and then work your way up to 20. It may make your jaw and cheeks a bit sore from working new muscles. Mini face lift anyone? Yes please!
Oils Used (most common)
It’s important to be sure you are using high quality oils when possible (where to buy*).
*affiliate link
Sesame Oil — (traditional Ayurvedic recommendation) Fatty Acid profile – Linoleic- 45.69%, Oleic- 39.21%, Palmitic- 8.57%, Stearic- 4.26%
Sunflower Oil — Fatty Acids Profile* – Lineolic-15.81%, Oleic-71.31%, Palmitic-4.05%, Stearic-3.70%
Coconut Oil — Fatty Acids Profile* – Caprylic- 4.6-10%, Capric- 5-8%, Lauric- 45.1-53.2%, Linoleic- 1-2.5%, Myristic- 16.8-21%, Oleic- 5-10%, Palmitic- 7.5-10.2%, Stearic- 2-4%
Olive Oil — Fatty Acids Profile* – Oleic- 55.28%, Palmitic- 19.8%, Linoleic- 17.84%, Linolenic- 0.73%, Stearic- 2.56%
There are many warnings on the Internet for those oil pulling with amalgams (metal fillings).
We are told that the metal can leach into the oil and be absorbed in the soft tissues of the mouth, and there have also been reports of metal fillings being loosened and falling out.
After extensive research, I have been unable to find evidence of leeching. There are many reports of loose fillings becoming more loose, so I recommend that you proceed with caution if you have old or loose fillings.
Mercury-based fillings are known to expand over time and can crack the tooth.
Bentonite clay and activated charcoal are known to adsorb – not absorb – heavy metals and draw them from the body, so I recommend adding them to your oil pulling routine to be on the safe side.

The Ancient Ayurvedic Writings by Michael Dick, MS
*Mountain Rose Herbs Carrier and Vegetable Oils
This post is part of GAPS Friendly Friday, Small Footprint Friday, Freaky Friday, Gluten Free Fridays, Fresh Bites Friday, Fight Back Friday
70 Responses
I have been oil pulling every day for the past year. I cant go a day without it!
I know what you mean Caroline. Otherwise, you get that ‘sweater mouth’ feeling. Ick.
Ah! Sweater mouth. That’s the best way to describe it! 🙂
I’ve been doing oil pulling with coconut oil for about 7 weeks and can’t imagine life without it. Just love it!!!!
I haven’t been consistently doing oil pulling, but I hadn’t heard about the amalgams being a problem. Glad that I haven’t been doing it. I need to get them removed but finding the right dentist is not so easy. 🙁 I heard that the wrong dentist can really screw things up. (Sigh) So I procrastinate.
There are so many food methods of detoxing that you should still be in good shape. I find dry brushing and detox baths to be two of the most effective. There are so many – yoga, sleep, meditation, real food, herbs, ferments, … – that it’s easy to further your health even if you have to skip some of them.
Good luck with the dentist Jen. I completely understand. I have read some scary stories on it too. We can’t even find a true holistic dentist here for regular check ups. I can’t imagine trying to search for one that does amalgam removal. That may be something you want to search country-wide and plan a trip for. I’m sure it would be worth it.
hi there, if you have a naturopath or know of a good one they should have info on the dentists in your area. that’s how i found mine! good luck, and please don’t put it off too long. 🙂
Thanks for sharing on GAPS Friendly Friday, Jennifer!
I never heard about oil pulling before this post. This seems interesting method to clean your mouth with just the use of oil. I just want to know can we use this mehod just after our meal or not.
It is best to do on an empty stomach but can definitely be used at any time, especially after eating sugary foods.
Lovely post and a great explanation of this technique. Your post will be featured at Small Footprint Fridays this week. I hope you will link up again this week and share more great health resources!
Thanks Dawn!
This looks super interesting and I really want to try it, but I have fillings. They are NOT the metal kind though. Can I still try oil pulling or is oil pulling with any fillings a bad idea?
You can oil pull! I have a couple too. The problem with the metal fillings is that oil pulling pulls the dangerous mercury out of them, and it’s toxic to us. When those fillings are removed by a dentist, there is almost always decay under them. My thoughts are that oil pulling is very beneficial to those of us with composite fillings (the white ones) because the liquid can get into any spaces that bacteria does and flushes it out. Using an anti-microbial oil like coconut oil should also kill them. That’s my inexpert opinion. 🙂
will oil pulling with coconut help with tooth pain?
It often does, but it will depend on the cause of the pain and what other means you are using to heal the area (i.e. cavities).
While I don’t have any fillings at all, I have read on other forums and discussions that it’s okay to do it with amalgams and even root canals.
Only just found your blog so am having fun reading your old posts.
I’ve been oil pulling for a few years, but have been really inconsistent with it. I have had quite a few arthritic aches and pains in various joints. And something I notice is that when I do oil pull diligently, the arthritis eases right up. When i slacken off, sure as anything the pain comes back. So now I’m making time to do it, because the benefits are very tangible for me.
I’ve also noticed whiter teeth, fresher breath, and food doesnt seem to stick to my teeth as much. Interesting I find the sesame oil gives me the best white teeth – other oils don’t whiten as well.
I do still have many amalgams (I reckon I had about 16 of them by the time i was 12!!). As the teeth need refilling I get composite resin or porcelain. No idea why I had such bad teeth as a kid. And of course as an adult I could have done better at taking care of them.
I’m so glad I found oil pulling.
Thanks Jane! I’m super happy you found oil pulling to be such a great natural remedy for you.
Cavities are a result of nutritional deficiencies, mainly the fat soluble vitamins, A, D, and K2. I highly recommend this book: http://amzn.to/145ZrUf for learning more about the connection between tooth dysfunction and how to heal it. It’s amazing to watch them heal before your eyes!
Do you add a little water into the coconut oil to melt it if it’s solid?
*hot* water
Nope. I chew it in my mouth until it melts. At first, it was pretty horrible with a pronounced gag reflex but I make sure to use less. You can easily melt it slightly on the stovetop if you need to.
I didn’t even think about that – I guess it would melt in the mouth. Thanks! I tried it this morning for five minutes. Gonna work my way up to 20!
Solid Coconut oil will quickly “melt” in your mouth!
I tried this for a week but I did it right before I went to bed. I just assumed that if I did it in the morning and then ate breakfast it might ruin the effects. And strangly enough I seemed to have more dreams when I did this. I think I’ll try it in the mornings for a while instead. Have you tried this in the evenings to see if there are any differences?
You’re drawing bacteria out of your mouth, so eating after shouldn’t ruin the effects. You could always rinse with salt water after if you feel the need to reset the pH of your mouth.
I haven’t noticed more dreams myself after oil pulling at night. Having more dreams could come from a couple of different sources – the increased blood and energy flow from the movement of swishing or a decrease in toxins are the most likely.
Is oil pulling safe for breastfeeding moms?
Oil pulling should initiate only a gentle detox and helps to prevent infection, so I recommend it. Start with 3 times a week for the first 2-3 weeks and then move up to every day if you don’t notice any adverse effects.
Hi there,
I tried oil-pulling for many years. The theory seemed right (still does) but I had many fillings all replaced). The oil nonetheless got out everything artificial. So all that was left were large holes and small walls in-between. It wasn’t too long before any cracks in my teeth gave away, too.
So I finally gave in for a much less intensive regime of a few drops of essential oils clove + wild oregano + peppermint in 1 Tbsp carrier oil … to get antimicrobial effects. I might yet go back!
I love the additional of the essential oils!
Safe in pregnancy?
I haven’t found any contraindications, so I say just start slow unless you start noticing detox symptoms. If so, ease back or hold off until baby is here.
would you put the activated charcoal in your mouth with the oil?
Yep. For easier use, you can put it on the spoon with the oil before placing it in your mouth. Just be gentle when spitting and dispose of properly, so you don’t get it on your clothes. Charcoal can stain.
I wouldn’t let that discourage you from using activated charcoal though. It has many wonderful uses.
Hi Jennifer, do you recommend alternating oils or just using whichever oil one prefers?
Both. 🙂 I find that I prefer coconut oil because it’s always in my pantry, but, if I alternate oils, my teeth are brighter.
I have dentures. Would I do this with the teeth in or out?
I don’t have experience with it, but I would suggest trying both to see what is more comfortable.
Hi Jennifer, I’ve been oil pulling for a week. It feels right! No difference yet in my mouth but my seasonal allergies were starting at that time, yet seem to have eased off. After a few minutes, my sinuses really declog and run into my throat. Is it ok to swallow this or better to spit out everything and start again? Seems like a waste of oil but if it’s really full of toxins I don’t mind.
Definitely better to spit it out. You should try oil cleansing and lymph massage before you do it to see if it helps get the mucous moving before you start. It may save you some oil. 🙂
If it doesn’t begin to resolve itself, it’s a possible indication that you are reacting to some of the foods that you eat so you may want to self-test it.
Thanks Jennifer, I’ve bookmarked those links!
hi Jennifer, I’ve been oil pulling on & off for over a year now. I’ve added essential oils, but never thought of adding bentonite clay before. How much would you suggest?
Is it ok to use olive oil? I want to try this and it’s the only oil I have.
Absolutely. I use it in a pinch. Good quality olive oils have a yellow hue, so be sure to brush well afterward and I wouldn’t suggest using it as the sole oil.
Hi! I’m so glad I stumbled upon your blog! I was wondering, would it be okay to use the liquid coconut oil instead of the solid? I’ve already got the liquid on hand. I have been having awful pains due to sensitivity and can’t afford to see a dentist. Also, I have a few amalgam fillings and a stainless steel crown with a root canal under it, would you still recommend oil pulling? Thanks in advance!
Fractionated coconut oil would work well. If your dental work is in any way loose (which is often the case with amalgams especially), oil pulling can loosen them further. If you can’t afford to see a dentist, I would personally avoid it. I would start with a diet change that removes the sugar and processed grains from your diet and start taking cod liver oil and Vitamin K2 to reverse the nutritional deficiencies that are causing your teeth problems. Fat soluble vitamins and minerals are going to be a very important addition to your diet!
Best of luck!
Hi Jennifer,
i have got the white composite fillings a month back for 15 tooth even though i’m at my 25. i don’t want to get them more bad. can i do oil pulling every day does they effect my fillings? i have very sensitive teeth too, drinking cold or hot gives me light pain. please suggest best practices that i can do to save my teeth.
I’m sorry for the delay in my reply! I was on maternity leave. I would suggest reading the book Cure Tooth Decay (affiliate link). There are many accounts of people who have healed their cavities and strengthened their teeth using the protocol from the book. Supplementing with minerals and fat soluble vitamins is another route you can go. I suggest Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) for an inexpensive and non-invasive way to test your mineral levels and rations.
There is no guarantee on how you fillings will respond. Based on the results I have had with oil pulling, I personally oil pull with my composite fillings.