Heal Cavities With A Grain-Free Diet

What?! I know! I hear ya. I would have never believed it myself if we weren’t living proof. Whole Grains Should Be A Staple of A Healthy Diet = False Here’s the short story. The Standard American Diet (SAD) consists of mostly grains, and grains don’t provide a whole lot of bioavailable nutrients. We would […]
Roasted Beet and Arugula Salad: A Recipe from Go Grain-Free
In honor of the giveaway for Go Grain-free: Cooking for Ancestral and Healing Diets [CLOSED], this week’s recipe post will feature one of the class favorites. Our Baby Step for this week focuses on fat, and olive oil is definitely my favorite. It may be the influence of my Italian in-laws, but there is always an abundance […]
It’s Time For a Chili Makeover! A Real Food Recipe
Mmmmm chili. The ultimate comfort food. If you’re going to makeover a recipe, this is the one to start with. Get rid of your can openers and get into Real Food. Why are we ‘making over’ recipes? Read here to find out. Chili is a popular meal for many people, so it’s a great place to […]
Healing Food Allergies and Chronic Illnesses: Baby Step # 3 |Create Real Food Recipes|
This week’s Baby Step is to create Real Food recipes. I know you love your Cream of Mystery soup. I do. But you’re here because you want to stop feeling like poo, right? Let’s learn to exchange those mystery foods that go into the average recipe with real food. Bonus points if it’s organic. Double if […]
Detox Baths: Recipes to Calm the Inner Beast and Whiny Children

Photo Credit: Dennis Wong This week, we’re talking about detox baths. Lovely, healing, make-you-feel-human-again detox baths. As a holistic practitioner, I highly recommend them as a gentle method of pulling toxins out of the skin when the detoxification system is compromised. Don’t forget to read the first post on Baby Step # 2 |Detox Baths| […]
Healing Food Allergies and Chronic Illnesses: Baby Step # 2 |Detox Baths|

This week’s Baby Step is Detoxification Baths. In case you missed it, you can find Step 1 here. Bathing in healing compounds is an ancient form of natural medicine. Sulfur and mineral rich springs are a common location for healing centers and have been popular throughout history. We will recreate those healing powers at home. […]
Healing Food Allergies & Chronic Illnesses: Baby Step # 1 |Unrefined Salt|
We’re finally here! Week One. Dun…dun…DUN. Nah, there’s no chicken feet or eye of newt or even anything weird going on. We’ll ease into that stuff. ::grin:: This week’s Baby Step is Unrefined Salt. Replace your processed salt with unrefined salt. By now, most of us are aware that processed foods are not healthy. Salt is […]
Baby Steps to Better Health Through Real Food: What To Expect
I know many of you are beyond ready to get started. We will give everyone through the weekend to get their list of symptoms written up. Patience grasshopper. Monday morning, we will begin our first Baby Step! Each week will feature a new Baby Step, some food-related and some that remove other toxins from your lives. Here is […]
Baby Steps to Better Health Through Real Food: Symptoms
Before we begin our journey, let’s get a snapshot of how you feel today. Write down a list of what you are experiencing. Throughout this week, keep a pen and paper with you (or your handy dandy electronic device) and note any symptoms as you experience or remember them. Having such a list is invaluable […]