A Sneak Peek at My 7 Year Old’s New Temper Tantrum Cure

I’ve been super short on time lately, but I want to drop in to share the amazing progress I have made with Katie and a new healing modality. I have gone full on woo woo, folks. I have entered into the world of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and taken a left turn into energy medicine. It combines […]

Revitalizing Essential Oil Soak for Moms

Revitalizing Essential Oil Soak for Moms

Sometimes, motherhood is Pinterest-worthy crafts in a clean(ish) home with enthralled and well-behaved children…and then, we have the other 355 days of the year. Motherhood is hard. It’s the most amazing and rewarding experience I have ever had, but it’s really hard. Those unshowered days that come with piles of dirty dishes, Mt. Washmore, and […]

How I’m Surviving Pregnancy with 5 Essential Oils

How I'm Surviving Pregnancy with 5 Essential Oils (vertical)

Once upon a time, there was a woman for whom pregnancy was a magical time. Glowing and smiling, she enjoyed every minute of her growing belly, slept well, and never had a stretch mark. Bahahahahahaha. :ahem: Sorry. I don’t know those people, so we’ll talk about the rest of us. Insomnia, heartburn, acne, mood swings, nausea, round ligament […]

Essential Oil Use Is Getting a Makeover

Essentail Oils Are getting a Makeover

  What if you could learn about and use essential oils without getting sucked into the Internet hype? I’ve been working very hard to build a team of practitioners skilled in the safe and therapeutic use of essentials oils, because we want to help you feel better and we want to do it safely. I also […]

How I Use Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender is the essential oil I recommend most when people come to me for suggestions. It is the most well-rounded oil for supporting the body. Have a scrape? Use Lavender oil. It helps to support the immune system. Bug bite? This study suggests that it may inhibit the release of histamine. Kid climbing the walls? LAVENDER […]

7 All-Natural Cold & Flu Remedies for Kids

7 All-Natural Cold & Flu Remedies for Kids

I’m always learning new ways to supplement my natural medicine cabinet. As a holistic practitioner with a daughter that has latent food allergies and chemical sensitivities, it requires an arsenal. I am always on the lookout for new effective all-natural cold & flu remedies. I only use remedies that are gentle, safe, and effective and […]

Detox Baths: Recipes to Calm the Inner Beast and Whiny Children

Detox Baths: Recipes to Calm the Inner Beast and Whiny Children

Photo Credit: Dennis Wong This week, we’re talking about detox baths. Lovely, healing, make-you-feel-human-again detox baths. As a holistic practitioner, I highly recommend them as a gentle method of pulling toxins out of the skin when the detoxification system is compromised. Don’t forget to read the first post on Baby Step # 2 |Detox Baths| […]