5 Supplements to Retrain Your Immune System

Real Food Meal Plans for Busy People


• Traditional
• Whole 30
• Gluten & Dairy free
• Paleo or Primal
• Autoimmune Paleo
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Welcome! I'm Jennifer, the owner & founder of Healing Redefined Holistic Wellness Center, holistic practitioner, and head nutrition nerd here at Healing Redefined.

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thymus thump IMMUNE SUPPORT

immune boosting supplements IMMUNE SUPPORT

iodine protocol THYROID SUPPORT

adrenal fatigue ADRENAL SUPPORT

healing reactions HEALING RESPONSES

Medical Disclaimer: The information contained in this blog is not intended as a substitute for medical advice. Please consult a physician in matters relating to serious illness and particularly with respect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention.

Medications – You should work closely with your physician to adjust medications as your body heals. Many of you will be able to say goodbye to “maintenance” medication forever but some will not.

9 Responses

    1. It depends on the type of supplements you are looking for. For the supplements recommended in this post, I like Green Pastures fermented cod liver oil, Carlson Lab Vitamin D Ddrops, and Custom Probiotics 11-strain, Biokult, or Theralac for therapeutic-grade probiotics. Those that I use as a practitioner are Prescript-Assist for correcting gut microbiota imbalances (the ones previously mentioned are transient strains), and my glutamine and quercetin are sourced through Biotics Research.

      I highly recommend looking for food sources as a first step for nutrient supplementation. You can use whfoods.com to search out foods with specific nutrients in them.

  1. Do you have a recommendation on how to get these supplements into small children? My 27mo son appears to have very bad allergies. I also have them, but am able to take supplements and use my neti pot to help mitigate them. Right now he is miserable. He used to take FCLO without a problem, and I used to be able to mix his probiotic into yogurt. But lately he has become very picky and isn’t liking anything mushy that is easy to mix with. Hummus is the one thing that is still mixable. I can probably get the probiotic in, but FCLO is too strong tasting to work with that. He is still breastfeeding before bed, and I’m also wondering if that might be making his allergies worse since I have them as well? Thanks for any advice you can give!

    1. Probiotics can also be mixed with liquids, and most of them should be taken away from food so water is a good choice. FCLO can be taken transdermally so can be rubbed on his bum. If you are eating foods that you are allergic to, then it is very likely that you are passing on the allergenic food particles to him. Try cutting the major allergens out of both of your diets, and see if there are any changes. I think you’ll notice dramatic changes over the first two weeks! I would suggest starting on a gut healing protocol for both of you like Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS) or work with a qualified holistic health professional.

      You can read through my series on healing digestion through nutritional therapy to get started if you like: http://www.20somethingallergies.com/healing-digestion-restoring-mucous-layer/.

      I hope that helps!

    1. I think it’s an important nutrient, but I think children especially should be started with foods high in the nutrients they are most deficient in. If there is no improvement after the increase in food sourced nutrients, then targeted supplementation along with digestive support are usually in order. It helps to work with a qualified practitioner to avoid imbalances when supplementing with isolated nutrients.

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