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Real Food Meal Plans for Busy People


β€’ Traditional
β€’ Whole 30
β€’ Gluten & Dairy free
β€’ Paleo or Primal
β€’ Autoimmune Paleo
β€’ Vegetarian


Welcome! I'm Jennifer, the owner & founder of Healing Redefined Holistic Wellness Center, holistic practitioner, and head nutrition nerd here at Healing Redefined.

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thymus thump IMMUNE SUPPORT

immune boosting supplements IMMUNE SUPPORT

iodine protocol THYROID SUPPORT

adrenal fatigue ADRENAL SUPPORT

healing reactions HEALING RESPONSES

Medical Disclaimer: The information contained in this blog is not intended as a substitute for medical advice. Please consult a physician in matters relating to serious illness and particularly with respect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention.

Medications – You should work closely with your physician to adjust medications as your body heals. Many of you will be able to say goodbye to β€œmaintenance” medication forever but some will not.

42 Responses

    1. I second that, Kelly! I would love to have the dehydrator and it’s on my Christmas list as well. πŸ™‚ Thank you, Jennifer!!!

  1. I am torn between the instapot and the dehydrator. I would love to win either! I will vote for dehydrator though.

  2. The Vitamix. While I was living in my cabin in the woods with no electricity, I gave mine away to someone who could use it. I don’t live in the woods anymore. I miss them…and my Vitamix. Sigh. πŸ™‚

  3. I’m intrigued by the Instapot, wondering if it is a good choice for meat broths and bone broths? Anyone out there who can provide info?

  4. Hmmm….tough choice between the dehydrator and the vitamix. I think I am leaning a little more towards the dehydrator. Congrats on finishing school!!

  5. I already have a VitaMix, which I really love and think everyone should have one. I am torn between the Instant Pot and the Dehydrator. I would love to win either, but probably the Dehydrator just a little bit more.

  6. THE DEHYDRATOR! I would say that that’s the only essential our kitchen is totally missing, and it really is an important tool. I have a food processor and some kind of blender, and we have a Crockpot. Not ALL the best equipment yet, but it gets us by. A dehydrator would definitely save us money.


  7. The Vitamix ! Wow ! I love all of them and hope to have them one day, but you just have to start your healthy journey with the Vitamix πŸ™‚ Thak you for the giveaway and congratulations with your school πŸ™‚

  8. I would looooove to win the Vitamix….it’s way too expensive to simply buy. I use my blender daily, and could use a major upgrade πŸ˜‰

  9. Instant Pot 6-in-1 looks awesome!!
    I would love stainless steel as the interior for all these appliance (get rid of: lead in the heavy ceramic liner of the slow cooker, aluminum or non-stick in the rice cooker . . .). Save space with just one multifunction gadget. Plus I don’t have a pressure cooker.

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