14 Days Til GAPS Intro, Resources for Bone Broth, Ferments, Probiotic, and Cod Liver Oil

Real Food Meal Plans for Busy People


• Traditional
• Whole 30
• Gluten & Dairy free
• Paleo or Primal
• Autoimmune Paleo
• Vegetarian


Welcome! I'm Jennifer, the owner & founder of Healing Redefined Holistic Wellness Center, holistic practitioner, and head nutrition nerd here at Healing Redefined.

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thymus thump IMMUNE SUPPORT

immune boosting supplements IMMUNE SUPPORT

iodine protocol THYROID SUPPORT

adrenal fatigue ADRENAL SUPPORT

healing reactions HEALING RESPONSES

Medical Disclaimer: The information contained in this blog is not intended as a substitute for medical advice. Please consult a physician in matters relating to serious illness and particularly with respect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention.

Medications – You should work closely with your physician to adjust medications as your body heals. Many of you will be able to say goodbye to “maintenance” medication forever but some will not.

5 Responses

  1. Alison, I'm so glad to hear that you are doing so well on intro (small hiccups aside)! I was thinking we would be able to move faster since we've been on GAPS for a few months, but I should know better than to expect to follow a plan. Thanks for the reminder to let our bodies go at *their* pace instead of by Dr. Natasha's or my agendas. Love having you around for input! 🙂 Dorothy, thank you canning queen! 😉

  2. Yikes, that probiotic is expensive. Do you feel it was very good? How would you compare it to probiotics you’ve taken in the past? I like it because it is free of the things my son is allergic to. I’m wondering what made you decide to take that one. Thank you 🙂

    1. I do like it. I recommend starting out with a probiotic that contains transient strains like the one I mentioned and also one that has native strains like Prescript-Assist in addition to eating probiotic-rich foods.

      I chose to use it because of the wide variety of strains and because it was pure and allergy-free.

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