Dark Days Challenge – S.O.L.E. Roasted Chicken with Brussels Sprouts, Green Beans, Potatoes, and DUCK FAT!

Real Food Meal Plans for Busy People


• Traditional
• Whole 30
• Gluten & Dairy free
• Paleo or Primal
• Autoimmune Paleo
• Vegetarian


Welcome! I'm Jennifer, the owner & founder of Healing Redefined Holistic Wellness Center, holistic practitioner, and head nutrition nerd here at Healing Redefined.

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thymus thump IMMUNE SUPPORT

immune boosting supplements IMMUNE SUPPORT

iodine protocol THYROID SUPPORT

adrenal fatigue ADRENAL SUPPORT

healing reactions HEALING RESPONSES

Medical Disclaimer: The information contained in this blog is not intended as a substitute for medical advice. Please consult a physician in matters relating to serious illness and particularly with respect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention.

Medications – You should work closely with your physician to adjust medications as your body heals. Many of you will be able to say goodbye to “maintenance” medication forever but some will not.

5 Responses

  1. Thanks ladies! Maggie, I'm going to read up on maca. Thank you so much for the suggestion! Mountain Rose Herbs claims that it hasn't been cultivated yet so to watch out for sustainability issues http://www.mountainroseherbs.com/learn/macaroot.php which is a good reminder for me to not take any roots/herbs exclusively and to rotate and diversify. I'm going to look into adding it and some other remedies into an experimental rotation.

  2. Michael, it.is.divine. Last week, my daughter was bummed that she couldn't eat the candy hearts at preschool. We came home and cut hearts out of sliced potatoes, soaked them in beet kvass for food coloring, and baked them in duck fat and Celtic sea salt. She said they were much better than eating candy hearts any day!

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